Student Quick Links
Please find the most common links for students below:
All CHA students have a school email address through Gmail.
Google Classroom for your classes.
Log in to Jupiter Grades to see grades and assignments.
TeachHub is a portal to support students that provides quick access to iLearnNYC and your nycstudents email.
Login to the iLearnNYC portal for enrichment classwork or any other classes using iLearn content.
Login to the Plato online classes platform. Please use CHA1 as the Account name. Your user name and password will be provided to you via email.
Report a Software/Website Issue
If you have a problem while you are using a website or other software (like iLearn, Photoshop...) use this form to let us know about the problem.
As a student at Cambria Heights Academy, you have access to a number of powerful research databases. If prompted for a password, enter empirelink.